1 implement View;
2 include "sys.m";
3 sys: Sys;
4 include "draw.m";
5 draw: Draw;
6 Rect, Display, Image: import draw;
7 include "bufio.m";
8 include "imagefile.m";
9 include "tk.m";
10 tk: Tk;
11 include "wmlib.m";
12 wmlib: Wmlib;
13 include "string.m";
14 str: String;
15 View: module
16 {
17 init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context,
argv: list of string);
18 };
19 init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context,
argv: list of string)
20 {
21 sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
22 draw = load Draw Draw->PATH;
23 tk = load Tk Tk->PATH;
24 wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH;
25 str = load String String->PATH;
26 wmlib->init();
27 imageremap := load Imageremap
28 bufio := load Bufio Bufio->PATH;
29 argv = tl argv;
30 if(argv != nil
&& str->prefix("-x ", hd argv))
31 argv = tl argv;
32 viewer := 0;
33 while(argv != nil){
34 file := hd argv;
35 argv = tl argv;
36 im := ctxt.display.open(file);
37 if(im == nil){
38 idec := filetype(file);
39 if(idec == nil)
40 continue;
41 fd := bufio->open(file,
42 if(fd == nil)
43 continue;
44 idec->init(bufio);
45 (ri, err) := idec->read(fd);
46 if(ri == nil)
47 continue;
48 (im, err) = imageremap->remap(
ri, ctxt.display, 1);
49 if(im == nil)
50 continue;
51 }
52 spawn view(ctxt, im, file,
53 }
54 }
55 view(ctxt: ref Draw->Context,
im: ref Image, file: string,
viewer: int)
56 {
57 corner := string(25+20*(viewer%5));
58 (nil, file) = str->splitr(file, "/");
59 (t, menubut) := wmlib->titlebar(ctxt.screen,
" -x "+corner+" -y "+corner+
" -bd 2 -relief raised",
"View: "+file, Wmlib->Hide);
60 event := chan of string;
61 tk->namechan(t, event, "event");
62 tk->cmd(t, "frame .im -height " +
string im.r.dy() +
" -width " +
string im.r.dx());
63 tk->cmd(t, "bind . <Configure> "+
"{send event resize}");
64 tk->cmd(t, "bind . <Map> "+
"{send event resize}");
65 tk->cmd(t, "pack .im -side bottom"+
" -fill both -expand 1");
66 tk->cmd(t, "update");
67 t.image.draw(posn(t), im, ctxt.display.ones, im.r.min);
68 for(;;) alt{
69 menu := <-menubut =>
70 if(menu == "exit")
71 return;
72 wmlib->titlectl(t, menu);
73 <-event =>
74 t.image.draw(posn(t), im,
ctxt.display.ones, im.r.min);
75 }
76 }
77 posn(t: ref Tk->Toplevel): Rect
78 {
79 minx := int tk->cmd(t,
".im cget -actx");
80 miny := int tk->cmd(t,
".im cget -acty");
81 maxx := minx + int tk->cmd(t,
".im cget -actwidth");
82 maxy := miny + int tk->cmd(t,
".im cget -actheight");
83 return ((minx, miny), (maxx, maxy));
84 }
85 filetype(file: string): RImagefile
86 {
87 if(len file>4
&& file[len file-4:]==".gif")
88 r := load RImagefile
89 if(len file>4
&& file[len file-4:]==".jpg")
90 r = load RImagefile
91 return r;
92 }